Iteration #1 of this experiment, baby. This issue's theme is:
☾ ⚘ finding what works ☼ ○・
The goal is to make this a monthly space where I share a little bit about what I'm working on, some cool things I've seen other folks working on, and whatever else feels good to share when I send it out. ☀︎ Excited to have you along for this experiment. ♥︎
I've added more prints to my website! I've been using this time to sit with older work and really think about projects that I "never had the time" to focus on before. Don't let this fool you though – I've also been spending a lot of this time crying, taking way too long to make simple meals, organizing very specific things like shelves or boxes, but definitely not cleaning areas of my apartment that are useful.
I've been thinking A LOT about productivity (have we all?) and self worth. It's so hard to find the right balance between letting ourselves rest and continuing to "do" because it feels good or fulfills us, not just filling a void or distracting us from ourselves. Such a fine line between defining your own self worth and allowing it to be defined by your output.
Here are a bunch of links to things about the myth of productivity that I've been looking at/reading:
passing time during a pandemic by sighswoon ✿
uhh a scary thing is happening it’s ok if you need a minute (sorry i can’t write king lear right now) by adamjk ✿
fran lebowitz is never leaving new york by michael schulman, New Yorker ✿
stop trying to be productive by taylor lorenz, NYT ✿
yumisakugawa's entire instagram feed ✿
I found out about, which is a big online shop for books but they donate back to independent bookstores so it's like a cool and socially responsible version of amazon! Anyway, you can curate your own book collections and recommendations so I went HAM on this and spent an entire day dedicated to making collections about grief and art and finding all my favorite photo books that I wish I owned. Was this a productive use of my time? Who cares! You can shop my book suggestions here ☻
The art of the quarantine playlist
I used to love making mix cds and playlists in high school. I've been trying to get back into it but TBH I'm very bad at listening to music as an adult. I find it overwhelming. I know, I know...
My friends Arti and Jesse are both good at it. Listen to their playlists. I started making a "work from home" playlist that Tommy and I could potentially both work to without getting irritated. Finding music to work to is hard. Have you perfected it? Want to add to this playlist too? You can! It's collaborative. ~
Robert Hickerson creates these elaborate sets for zoom calls. Can you even? What a treat. He's a sweetheart and a super talented artist. Check out his work.

✿ This time is tough and weird for pretty much everyone ✿
your feelings are valid.
You know that, right? Well we all need reminders!
What's been working for you? What makes you feel good and cared for and like your life is meaningful? I wanna know. Respond to this email and LMK how you've been caring for yourself lately. Love you. xo