✿ A Feelings Letter is now on substack! ✿
I’ve been thinking about switching over to substack for a while, and I finally did! I spent a full three days straight figuring it out because that’s ~just how my brain works~
I like it because now I have a cool landing page where you can see all of my letters (which I copied over because I’m a sucker for archives). AAAND there’s more of a community aspect! I can recommend other substack users and you can comment on my posts! Right now only paid subscribers can comment on all posts but I’ve opened up some particularly tender letters if you want to cheerlead me. 👻 (party in the comments section?)
I’m still figuring this platform out but I’m excited! And I love the idea that people can choose to support if they’d like to. Art is weird and sharing is strange and so is money but community is magic! Thank you for being a part of mine.
If you know anyone else who might enjoy my work, my words, my photographs, etc. the way they fall into these monthly-ish musings, there’s a gorgeous pink button below which I spent far too long figuring out the *right* hex color for. 🥲
revisit some favorite letters:
✷ October 2021: alternate realities, alternate timelines
✷ May 2021: maybe you need to cry
✷ March 2021: a reluctance toward spring
✷ November 2020: heartbreak in unfamiliar forms
✷ October 2020: personal ghost stories
✷ July 2020: on moving & feeling like you’re dreaming